Fälasgården is a secondary modern school in Lund, built in 1971, with around 400 pupils between the ages of 11-16, a large number of whom have a non-Swedish ethnic background. Apart from the compulsory study of English most pupils study a second foreign language: French, German or Spanish.
Lund is a small medieval University town (c.100.000 inhabitants) that is situated in the centre of the expansive Öresund region in southern Sweden. It is one of the oldest cities in Sweden with a history more than one thousand years. The air of a small medieval town is somewhat altered by the skyline where the Cathedral and the huge University Hospital stand out.
Nowadays Lund has a multicultural and fairly young population, the latter largely due to the 38.000 students at the University. With the help of the University and the science park, an incubator for innovative research and industry, a great number of knowledge-based companies have developed. Among the internationally well-known companies in Lund are Tetra Pak, Alfa Laval, Sony Ericsson, Gambro and Astra Zeneca.
lunes, 28 de marzo de 2011
domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011
sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011
Juego de ciudad- A gymkana in the city
The activity has been aimed to 176 pupils (Swedish, English, French, Polish and Spanish) taking part in the different exchanges. The activity has been organized by Gozarte.
La actividad consiste en realizar una gymkana cultural y urbana en la que a través del juego descubran una ciudad inesperada, llena de sorpresas y de rincones atractivos.
The activity consists of doing a cultural and urban gymkana in which they discover an unexpected city, full of surprises and of attractive corners.
En la plaza del Pilar los alumnos se encontrarán Eugenia, una joven de Tarazona venida a Zaragoza durante los meses de la Exposición Hispano-Francesa de 1908 en busca de un novio que la saque de su pertinaz soltería.
In the Square of Pilar the pupils will find Eugenia, a young woman of Tarazona come to Saragossa during the months of the Exhibition Hispanic - French of 1908 in search of a fiancé who gets her out of her pertinacious unmarried state.
El ciego Salvador les espera en la iglesia de Santa Isabel, dispuesto a contarles sus historias de milagros, secuestros, asesinatos... Dentro de su retablo de las maravillas es posible que los alumnos encuentren la pista necesaria para resolver el enigma planteado al principio del juego.
The blind man Salvador is waiting for them in the Saint Isabel church , ready to tell them his stories about miracles, kidnappings, murders... With its altarpiece of the marvels it is possible that the pupils find the necessary clue to solve the puzzle set out at the beginnig of the game.
Delante del teatro romano nos espera Valeria Máxima, toda una señora de su “domus”. Nadie conoce como ella los secretos de Caesaraugusta, así que de su mano los alumnos tienen que convertirse en actores para ayudarle a representar una pequeña historia.
In front of the Roman Theatre, Valeria Máxima is waiting for us, a madam of her "domus". Nobody knows as her the secrets of Caesaraugusta, so through her the pupils have to turn into actors to help her to permorm a little story.
Junto a la iglesia de la Magdalena los alumnos encontrarán a Yusuf, un alfarero musulmán. Lleva un saco lleno de sorpresas, entre otras un puzle mudéjar o los instrumentos necesarios para que cada uno de los participantes escriba su nombre en árabe.
Next to Magdalena Church the pupils will find Yusuf, a Muslim potter. He carries a sack full of surprises, as a Mudejar jigsaw or the necessary instruments so that all of the participants write their name in Arab.
Una vez que cada uno de los grupos ha recorrido las cuatro bases tendrán un mapa completo y un poema, lo que constituye la última parte del juego. En el mapa y el poema están las pistas suficientes para encontrar el lugar en el que el antepasado de estos cuatro personajes, el íbero que tuvo que abandonar la ciudad, escondió el tesoro, que estará dentro de un cofrecillo. Allí les esperará “el guardián del tesoro”, con el que tendrán que superar una última prueba.
Once each of the groups has covered four bases they will have a finished map and a poem, which makes the last part of the game. In the map and the poem we have the necessary clues are to find the place in which the forefather of these four characters, the Iberian who had to leave the city, hid the treasure, which will be inside a little chest. There, “ the guard of the treasure ” is waiting for us, and they will have to overcome a last test.
Ha estado fenomenal!
It's been great!
jueves, 24 de marzo de 2011
a day in the snow
In the snow
miércoles, 23 de marzo de 2011
Wednesday, march 23, 2011
Then we went in bus to the Roman part of zaragoza; we saw:el foro, las termas and el teatro.All that it was showed us by a guide who was explaining to us everything what we saw in English and then we saw some videoes on the Roman life.
When we come to the college after this we went to eat and then to do a work of technology
That was consisting of a wood in which we were writing words in Swedish and in Spanish and if you were touching with 2 paper clips the words with the same meaning, was igniting a bulb and if you were failing it was not igniting
Posted by Álvaro Gonzalvo Gargallo
Electrial game
We are doing an electric game.
First we drew a shape like an apple or a heart.
We drilled 12 holes , 6 on each side of the wood.
And then we wrote feelings on paper and glued it on the wood.
Six of the feelings are wrote in swedish and six in spanish.
Now we are going to bind cables between the swedish and the spanish words. And the assignment is to pare them up and the little cute lamp will shine if you connect them right.
Soon we will see if it works.
/ Jasmine and Amanda :))
sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011
viernes, 18 de marzo de 2011
Our Favorite Place In Lund!
Hanna, Ellen and Harald here. We got a blog-mission to write our favorite place in our city, Lund, and our favorite place is... *drum roll* GLASSKULTUREN YEEEEEY! In English "The Ice Cream Culture"! They have the best ice cream in town, and they just opened up for this season, so when you come here when can eat lots and lots of ice cream. They have many flavours - like daim, chocolate, strawberry and many, many more yeeey! It's a very small shop, like a hole in the wall and the line is outside the building. It's allways a very long queue, but the waiting is worth the experience you get when you eat the ice cream, it's like an amazing feeling inside your stomach. The shop is located in downtown Lund, nearby Botulfsplatsen, where the buses have the pit stop, and opposite the "Stortorget".
/ Hanna Ellen Harald
A place:)
a nice place in lund...That can be hard,
because I like everything in lund.
It's quite small town. Ehmmm....ByeBye
it's only 4 days left:D
jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011
A place
A place
A nice place in lund...I like everything about Lund. Its quite small and cosy :) Compared to Zaragoza i think^^' (the size:))
Some places are not very nice though..
Got english class now, byye ^^
miércoles, 16 de marzo de 2011
martes, 15 de marzo de 2011
A place
lunes, 14 de marzo de 2011
This week´s blog-assignment!
miércoles, 9 de marzo de 2011
Hi ^^
Uhhm right now im on my english class. It's quite boring though.__.
martes, 8 de marzo de 2011
viernes, 4 de marzo de 2011
Elsa & Alice freaks out o__o
my wintersportholiday