
Fälasgården is a secondary modern school in Lund, built in 1971, with around 400 pupils between the ages of 11-16, a large number of whom have a non-Swedish ethnic background. Apart from the compulsory study of English most pupils study a second foreign language: French, German or Spanish.

Lund is a small medieval University town (c.100.000 inhabitants) that is situated in the centre of the expansive Öresund region in southern Sweden. It is one of the oldest cities in Sweden with a history more than one thousand years. The air of a small medieval town is somewhat altered by the skyline where the Cathedral and the huge University Hospital stand out.

Nowadays Lund has a multicultural and fairly young population, the latter largely due to the 38.000 students at the University. With the help of the University and the science park, an incubator for innovative research and industry, a great number of knowledge-based companies have developed. Among the internationally well-known companies in Lund are Tetra Pak, Alfa Laval, Sony Ericsson, Gambro and Astra Zeneca.

miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011


On friday we started 8.30 AM to make imovies about the week on the computers with our spanish friends. We were in 16 different groups. We put songs and pictures from the week in our movies. Later we showed our movies for all the other groups. We sat down and watched everything together in the gym. When we were done watching the movies we changed clothes and gathered to play the football-match against the spaniards.

And Sweden won with 7-0!

And then we looked at a cabaret that the 9th graders portrayed. They went back in time to the 50’s, 60’s 70’s and 80’s were they sang famous songs by Elvis, Kurt Cobain, Bob Marley, etc. Afterwards we went home. The day was fun and exciting. Nice weather too!


martes, 31 de mayo de 2011


We really hope you had a great time in Sweden. We miss you all!

Some of us are very sorry for that some people said “losers” and stuff like that after the football game. But it was a great game!

We would love to meet you guys again. :)


/Agnes and Linn

Visit to Ales Stenar and the beach

We took the bus to Ales Stenar. They were that intresting, but the nature was beautiful. We went down to some tables and a souvenir store. We ate our food and I took some nice pics! :D
Afterwards we walked to the bus, and then we went to the beach. We build some statues in the sand, and they were really nice. The water was very cold, but the sea was very, very beautiful.
At half past 2 we went to the bus again, it was time to go home.


I don´t know what to write..ehm..
It´s kinda empty without all of you, we miss you.
But I hope we will meet again sometime in the future!




Seven a.m waking up in the morning. got to be fresh got to go downstairs. got to have my bowl , got to have cereal. seeing everything the time is going, ticking on and on . everybody's ruushing. got to get down to the bus stop, I SEE MY FRIENDS.

In the school we made movies in Imovie.

Goodbye spaniards!!!

Yesterday the spaniards left. It was an emotional goodbye from everybody.
We had mathematics and normal swedish class, and the spaniards had home economics. After lunch everybody settled by the couches and talked the last 20 minutes.
After that the spaniards went to get their bags and then they walked to the bus and we said goodbye. Hope you had a good time in Sweden =) // Dario & Joel

Our weekend with the Spaniards

We had a really great time with all of the Spaniards and we already miss you guys, and we hope that we will see you again sometime in the future. In the weekend some of the Swedish and the Spanish went to LaserDome. It was really fun, though some of us were really bad. After LaserDome we went to the big shopping centre, called Entré, in Malmö, and that was fun too.

On Sunday we went to Copenhagen, Denmark and we went to the big amusement park in the centre of the city. This we think was the best of all of the excursions. We were there from 10.00 to 19.00 so when we came home we were really, really tired. Even if we were tired we met with some friends in the evening, because it was the last day.

This was our weekend and we hope you had as fun as we had.
We miss you very much, Sweden is empty without you!
Bye, take care.
/ Hanna & Lisa

About this time...

We really thought it was interesting hanging out with all the Spanish students. We´re talking about people who eat lunch at 2 o´clock, and hardly any breakfast. But still they say "yellow car" and hit each other. (In swedish "gul bil".)
Even though the differences are big, the things we have in common are many more. It can be little things like being really afraid of bugs or just really like caviar.
In the weekend, we really think that everyone enjoyed themselves. Some went to a tivoli, some to Ven and biked, and a few to Nimis (se the
picture). At the end of this little text, we like to say that we truly hope we will meet everyone
again. Until then, we wish all of you the best of luck.
/ Alice and Alma

viernes, 27 de mayo de 2011

Día 5: I-Movie, fútbol y musical.

Hoy nos tocaba trabajar con las imágenes de todo lo que hemos vivido durante esta semana sueca y darle forma. Lo hemos hecho con los iMac del cole. Primeramente, y en grupos, hemos puesto en común las fotografías o videos de estos días.

Ha costado prepararlo, pero ha merecido la pena. Después de comer (hoy ha sido incluso más pronto, a las 11,00h !), nos hemos reunido todos en uno de los gimnasios para visulaizar los resultados. Las i-movies han quedado genial! (Las colgaremos más adelante...)

Después de la actividad audiovisual, tocaba defender nuestros colores dándole al balón...España! España! España!

Nuestro equipo con el 'mister':

He aquí nuestros contrincantes suecos:

Nuestro público animando a rabiar:

Y..... mala suerte... un 7-0 nos ha dejado por los suelos.... ¿Pero quién necesita demostrar que somos los mejores cuando ya lo hicimos en agosto del 2010? La verdad es que hemos pasado una rato divertido y entre amigos.

Y el broche final de la jornada ha venido de la mano de los alumnos del 9º curso (nuestro 4º ESO), que nos han deleitado con un musical que hacía un recorrido por el mundo de la música, desde los Beatles o Elvis Presley, pasando por Tina Turner, Nirvana, Michael Jackson o las Spice Girls, y finalizando con un machacado Justin Bieber....

El fin de semana lo pasaremos con las familias, así que tendréis que esperar al lunes para seguir nuestros pasos a través del blog. Disfrutad vosotros también del weekend!

Día 4. Excursión a Kåseberga y día de playa.

El día ha comenzado a las 8,30 h con un viaje en autobús que nos conduciría a conocer la región de Escania, en el sur de Suecia. Después de admirar los verdes paisajes durante el trayecto, por fin hemos llegado a Kåseberga, un pueblecito costero que alberga un gran monumento megalítico conocido como Ales Stenar (Las Piedras de Ale). La construcción está formada por 59 bloques de granito alineados en forma de barco. La tradición dice que el legendario rey Ale está enterrado bajo estas piedras, aunque aún se sigue especulando sobre el origen y significado de las mismas... dejemos la especulación y disfrutemos el paisaje...

Con el mar de fondo y un clima muy favorable, hemos aprovechado para hacernos algunas fotos (bueno...muuuchas fotos!), respirar aire fresco y algunos atrevidos han optado por bajar por esa pendiente para disfrutar de la orilla del mar:

A la hora de comer (ya sabéis que aquí es sobre las 11,30 h) hemos bajado al puerto donde hemos disffrutado del picinic que nos han preparado nuestras familias suecas. Mmmmhhh!

Después nos hemos trasladado, de nuevo en bús, nada menos que a una playa del Mar Báltico.

Ahí, y divididos en varios grupos, suecos, franceses y españoles hemos invadido la arena...

... para formar parte de un Concurso de Esculturas de Arena. Aunque todas las esculturas han merecido la pena, hacemos mención especial por su originalidad, trabajo y actitud colaborativa a tres de ellas. Ya habréis visto publicados los resultados en una entrada anterior... estábamos expectantes!

Ha sido un día inolvidable y lleno de sol... aunque hemos echado de menos algunas cositas: en primer lugar a Guille P., que se recuperaba en casa de una mala noche; y en segundo lugar, una actitud más participativa y colaborativa por parte de algunos alumnos...

Mañana más.

jueves, 26 de mayo de 2011

Sand sculptures contest

We have two winners:
The football shoe...

... and the diver

And a special prize for the most collaborative group, with the mermaid:

But all the rest of the sculptures were wonderfull


Well this was wednesday, I think the most of enjoyed al the activities that we did together.
My group (group red) Started at Kulturen, one of the number groups told os about one of the old houses. It was really interesting and I think that everyone learned something about the house.

Well the rest of the day was also quiet interesting. The students from Spain and France saw many new things and (hopefully) learned something about lund. But I think that everyone was quiet bored at the last station when we had walked around for the hole day.

miércoles, 25 de mayo de 2011

Día 3. Visita a la ciudad de Lund

El día de hoy lo hemos dedicado a conocer Lund.

A las 8,30 de la mañana nos hemos juntado en el colegio y nos hemos dividido en 4 grupos (suecos y españoles mezclados).

Hemos salido del cole, cada equipo en una dirección distinta. Es espectacular ver la cantidad de bicis que hay por toda la ciudad. Especialmente en la estación. La gente va en bicicleta hasta la estación. Allí la deja, para ir en tren a trabajar a los pueblos próximos, y por la tarde, al regresar, vuelve a coger la bici para ir a casa.

Cada grupo ha ido pasando por una de las 4 actividades que nos tenían preparadas.

Una de ellas ha sido visitar el Parque de la ciudad, donde hemos jugado, en dos equipos a "Burn-ball", algo parecido al baseball.

En el Jardín Botánico hemos realizado un concurso de pintura. Había que dibujar alguna flor que nos gustara.

En los alrededores de la catedral hemos realizado un juego de orientación que nos ha permitido visitar el casco antiguo de la ciudad.

Finalmente nos hemos acercado a "Kulturen", un museo muy interesante donde se podían visitar casas típicas suecas de distintas épocas de la historia.

Como imaginaréis, el día ha sido agotador, pues hemos estado caminando de un lado para otro todo el día.
El tiempo no ha sido tan bueno como nos habría gustado. Hacía un viento enorme, aunque por lo menos no nos ha llovido.

Para mañana tenemos prevista una excursión. Ya os contaremos.

Hasta mañana.